




Dear Customer's


It is our privilege to serve you and thank you for using this platform to better suit your needs or wants.


We want to inform you of our order process. Once, you have selected the item of your choice, your selection will be saved in your cart. Once it's in the cart, then you will be able to either select the quantity you want or continue to shop.

Once, you have finalized your selection, you will enter the completed part of your selected item on Order. In the semi or finalized part, the site will ask how you would like the item to be delivered. Then select the shipment method preferred. If the Customer chooses Pegasus Pick Up- the item in-store, the customer must bring in proof of payment along with a valid ID. In addition, the customers need to bring the transaction from the online platform along with the invoice that had been generated. Once you have selected the amount of the item, tax, and delivery charges will be charged to the customer.

Payment to Order - Final Sale

Once the order is completed an invoice and receipt of payment made will be generated from Fygaro ( online platform) to you the customer. A notification of payment will be sent from Fygaro to Pegasus Traders Ltd of an Order Process. The 4 step Order to finalize payment is as follows;

1. Once Pegasus Traders Ltd had seen the notification An email would be sent to confirm your Order.

2. Fygaro will then do their due process in sending the payment to our bank National Commercial Bank.

3. When Fyagro and National Commercial Bank have done their due process of finalizing the customer's payment.

4. Pegasus Traders Ltd will do their verification of the final payment and will send the customer a final email of the finalized bill, the location, and the pick-up time.


N.b: This 4-step Order to finalize payment, applies to all shipment methods and all couriers, for example, Pegasus Pick-up, Tara Couriers, etc.

Pegasus Traders Ltd uses Tara Couriers the method we use for now is Next Day Delivery. for example, customer made payment on September 12, 2022, the customer would not get the item until the next day. If there are any delays, we would contact the customers once they leave their contacts we will get in touch.


Customer's, Pegasus Pick-Up is not available on Saturday as well as all courier services we provide.


If there are any updates to this Order process, please always check on this page for any new info on Order process.

Please contact us at or WhatsApp at 876-547-2684


Thank You,

Pegasus Traders Ltd

Rep online:

Jhenelle Marsden-Cameron
